Thursday, October 26, 2023

Car HiFi Update

 I told you that this blog is going to be more personal. So I post whatever I want.

I inherited a Mazda Cx5 from 2018 from my dad who passed away in August 2023.

It´s a nice ride but the car stereo sounded like shit! I mean REALLY bad!

 My new ride: Mazda cx5

So I updated it with a nice car hifi system because I have a long way to work and I love to hear music while I drive. I asked the guy from the car hifi service /HFB Audio) for a cleaner and louder sound. He recommended an amplifier and subwoofer from a very good German car audio company called "Audiotec Fischer".

I told him that I don´t want to spent thousands of Euros and that I don´t want to waste a lot of space in my trunk for a massive subwoofer. He recommended a cool plug and play system called Match M 5.4DSP (amp) and Match PP 8E-Q (subwoofer). A pretty small system but with an outstanding result.

It makes every Agathocles rehearsal room recording into a Slayer production :-D

MATCH M 5.4DSP                                        MATCH PP 8E-Q 

I am not sponsored by Audiotec Fish nor HFB Audio. But I recommend both!

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